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Replay webinar ‘If you get shaved…’

Hereby the replay of the webinar ‘If you get shaved’ in English. The slides are in Dutch but I made a verbal recording in English. If you have any tips of your own, please email them to I read all emails personally, but I don’t always have the time to respond to everything. Please know that I collect all information and will share it with others where possible.

  1. Supporten
    This webinar was offered to you for free. If you would like to contribute to my work, you can donate HERE.
  2. Investment in gold
    I have been investing in gold with stock options, cryptos, physical gold and the possibility of passive and active income for a little over a year now. People who participate in the platform get free access to my online training sessions and to the weekly live training on Friday morning. If you like more information, please sent an e-mail to: No long stories needed. Just write ‘more information’ and I’ll send you the link to a presentation in English.
  3. Army of Love
    Together with Anna Zeven I help people to get through this time of great transformation. We map out projects, organize online zooms and also live events. In our online training program you have access to dozens of courses, trainings and presentations (Dutch language).
  4. Presentation in pdf
  5. Other links that were shared during the webinar